Tag Archives: chemical-free cleaning

chemical-free cleaning

How To Remove Red Wine Stains

Out, Damned Spot; Out I Say! Lady Macbeth   Racked with guilt over her complicity in the murder, Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth famously exclaims, “Out, damned spot; out I say!” while wringing her hands to remove a hallucinated bloodstain. You may be tempted to say something similar – or much worse – when suddenly faced with…

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Clean Out Your Fridge

Clean Your Fridge I am not happy with whomever invented Clean Out Your Fridge Day which is “celebrated” on November 15. Do we really need to be reminded that although the rest our place looks presentable, there’s probably something creepy, hairy, stinky, and unknown lurking in the back corner of the crisper drawer? Clearly, we…

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