Category Archives: Etiquette

Dont Be Them. Noise Edition.

Don’t Be Them. Noise Edition.   As an apartment dweller, you share at least one wall with another resident. And you probably hear your neighbor from time to time. It’s to be expected. Have you ever seen the video Everyone’s Upstairs Neighbor? Back when it was created, The Washington Post wrote:             Chances are what’s…

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Best Dogs for Apartment Living

For years I tried to discourage my daughter from adopting a pup. She lives in New York City, and to me, NYC apartments are too small and everything there costs too much to add a dog to the mix. But there are large parks, many dog-friendly shops and restaurants, and she did need the comfort…

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Be Cool By The Pool

  Summertime….and the livin’ is easy…especially if there’s a sparkling pool where you can chill on a hot day. But chillin’ only happens when everyone is mindful of their own behavior and kind to fellow chillers. So here are some guidelines on how to Be Cool By The Pool. Running, jumping, diving, pushing, roughhousing, and/or…

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